CAMDA 2020 Conference
CAMDA runs in collaboration with ISMB. CAMDA is now an established full conference track at ISMB, representing one of its Communities of Special Interests (COSIs). This gives you wide exposure and further opportunities for interaction with colleagues without separate registration fees. You just register for a 2- or 4-day ticket at ISMB, specifying CAMDA as your interest.
CAMDA focuses on one of the grand challenges of our time, the intelligent exploitation of Big Data in the life sciences. In the post genomic era, an effective scientific interpretation of large datasets is key to new medical and biological insights from novel high throughput assays and the increasing size of biomedical studies.
CAMDA puts a spotlight on the successful analysis and integration of the massive data sets now prevalent in the life sciences.
This year, the scientific committee of CAMDA has set three data analysis contest challenges:
- The Hi-Res Cancer Data Integration Challenge presents clinical and matched molecular profiles, with read level data for individual genomes. Explore non-standard genomes and splicing events for better prognosis.
- The CMap Drug Safety Challenge presents clinical toxicity results, cellular and molecular responses to hundreds of drugs. Compare and integrate a range of cell line assays to predict the severity of the drug induced liver injury in humans.
- The Metagenomic Geolocation Challenge presents thousands of city microbiome profiles in the context of climate data. Construct multi-source microbiome fingerprints and predict the ecological niche or exact geographical origin of mystery samples.
Leading scientists present their best methods and analyses in talks, complemented by poster sessions. Papers based on the submitted extended abstracts are published in the open access, fully indexed conference proceedings at Biology Direct. Related method papers can enter the ISMB proceedings track of the Bioinformatics journal.
All delegates vote for the best contributed analysis.
The top three presenters are honoured each year, with the first prize being the prestigious CAMDA Trophy award.
We cordially invite you to attend and contribute to CAMDA, and look forward to seeing you this year virtually! (Fellowships available)